Sunday, August 14, 2011

U & I **Together Forever**

Happy Sunday morning to you all I hope you are having a fantastic weekend.
We are enjoying a weekend of camping and jet skiing at Stockton Lake near our home in Missouri. We having so much fun with our 2 year old grandson who came with us this weekend and who has never been camping and he thinks this is great. When we arrived last night and when we put the tent up light rain was coming down and it was dark. Drew and I walked to the bathroom he said to me, “listen….I hear snakes”.
For my Want2Scrap™ I wanted to celebrate the wonderful times I have had with my husband…I am  so very blessed with a husband who takes the time to make me feel special and always goes out of his way to do special things for me.
This week my little savings jar was down to just mere penny’s because my  jar that I am suppose to put money in to do little things for myself ends up getting spent on kids and grandchildren….you know how that goes. : ) But this week I went in to get something out of the chest of drawers that my “savings” if you can call it that was sitting there  and low and behold it was full….bills…coins and not just any bills or coins, but $2.oo bills, one dollar coins….and regular currency …..what a thoughtful gift and creative way to do it. It REALLY put a smile on my face that day. Those kind of thoughtful little gestures are what make me know that he and I will be together forever…and that make me one lucky girl. I try to be creative with the things I do for him…but that was a pretty clever act of love…..
Maybe this layout will let him know just a little more how lucky I feel to have him in my life.
The layout is made with one of my favorite photo’s of Andy and myself. It was at his nephew’s wedding in a enchanting glass chapel in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. It was such a delightful day….it left us with such a great memories….. their wedding and the wonderful time that we had together was so special!
Karen Taylor W2S u & i 3
I love how the Want2Scrap™ products add so much to this special layout…..
Karen Taylor W2S u & i 4
The little details that you add to your projects really can make all the difference. If you stop and really look at the layout and and think about what it would be like with out the Want2Scrap™ Nestabling™ and Nestaboard™ you see just how special it makes it. The layout would really lose that “special” quality that I wanted to have. It turns this into a layout that will go on my wall to remind me daily of how lucky I am……TRULY BLESSED!
Karen Taylor W2S u &i 5
Karen Taylor W2S u & i
.“Spend the afternoon. You can’t take it with you.” Annie Dillard
For my layout I used the following products:
Want2Scrap™ Supplies Used
Cross Promotional Products Used:

Other Supplies:
Patterned Paper: Donna Salazar Designs: Artist Papers By GCD Studios
 Clearsnap: Smooch Spritz and Fairy Dust Glitter By Donna Salazar
 Chipboard Letter Bare: Thickers by American Crafts
 Mini Words Stickers: Cosmo Cricket
Letter charm: Making Memories
 Misc: Vintage Doily

iKaren Taylor W2S u & i 6
If you are lucky enough to be surrounded by people you love and care about…take the time to let them know AND show it. It means so much.
“Don’t be fooled by the calendar. There are only as many days in the year as you make use of.” Charles Richards
I hope you have a wonderful Sunday and enjoy the moments….these moments today are here and will never be here again….make the most of them. Today IS a wonderful day…..make it special!
Blessing, Joy and Peace to you and until next time time …..Be Creative!


hilde janbroers said...

wow, amazing!!! love this!

Christy Farneth-Kerr said...

beautiful layout :)

Jona Panesa said...

so gorgeous my dear! I saw this first at want 2 scrap blog!

Audrey Pettit said...

What a sweet post, Karen! I just loved reading your wonderful words, and what a gorgeous project you created. Love the texture of the corrugated cardboard and love all the Want2Scrap goodies. SO beautiful!

Carol said...

Karen this is so beautiful and the set up for the picture on the chair is awesome!

Unknown said...

Stunning layout my friend!
Love your story too.
You guys are a special couple!

True :D

Unknown said...

This is absolutely gorgeous!! I just became aa follower. I found your blog on Want2Scrap.